Tuesday, May 2, 2006

May Day, and you thought Communism was dead.

If communism is dead, and the cold war is over, then why do they still celebrate May Day and have their military parade in Russia?!?

1.5 million people participated in May Day rallies in Russia.  In Switzerland, Sweden, Chile & Turkey protesters clashed with police, and demonstrators denouncing the International Monetary Fund and the U.S.

Under communist rule, an annual parade in Moscow’s Red Square marked the international labor holiday known as May Day. Although the parade honored the working people of the Soviet Union, communist leaders such as Joseph Stalin, used the event to display the country’s military forces and to honor themselves.

Associated Press reports that THIS year:
“communists in Russia honored Lenin and Marx.”
“Some of the biggest traditional gatherings were in Moscow, where 25-thousand people gathered to hear speeches from trade union leaders and the city mayor.”
“Meanwhile, communists marched from a square where there is a statue of Lenin to their usual rallying spot opposite the Bolshoi Theatre, where there's a statue of Karl Marx.”

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